One of the most common questions we get from you babes is “How can I improve my Instagram?” Well, we are here today to help you tackle that question and help you become Instagram hotshots.
1.Edit Edit Edit!
Before you post another photo let’s think of the pictures you have already posted and start deleting. By edit we don't just mean throw a filter on your pics. Edit your entire Instagram feed. Let’s think about it, how deep do you creep? Go ahead and scroll through your archives, you’ll be surprised by the photos you have posted. Are these the images you want future clients to see? Delete what is no longer pertinent to the brand you are trying to sell. Delete! Edit! You wont regret it.
2.Content is King
Good Instagram posts take time. If you own an actual camera opt for the real thing rather than the iPhone camera for more clear crisp shots. If the iPhone camera is your only option use third party editing apps. Some great free editing apps are: VSCO Cam, Afterlight, and Snapseed, all available in the App Store. If you’re searching for inspiration think about some of your favorite accounts and the types of photos they post to get your creative juices flowing.
3. #Hashtag
After you have captured the perfect shot to post it is time to think about your caption. We can’t stress enough to remember to incorporate a hashtag. Take some time to conceptualize your own unique hashtag, make it memorable and aim for at least two of your own. Go crazy, Instagram lets you use 30 hashtags per post. But don’t go too crazy. Remember the hashtag is meant to benefit you and bring new followers to your page. If you are using popular hashtags your photo will get lost in the archives and won’t make it’s way to the top posts. Practice smart hash tagging my friends.
Engage with your followers. People from all around the world use the app giving you the opportunity to meet babes from all different walks of life. When we tell our clients to prioritize networking a common response we hear is “I don't have the time” Budget 15 minutes into your day to reach out to your followers and engage in your Instagram community. Leave genuine comments, like photos, and respond to messages.
5.Instagram Story
Instagram Stories are the newest addition to the Instagram app. It may seem intimidating at first, but this is your chance to give your followers an even closer look into your life and see who you are. Think of it as your chance to talk to your followers and update them in an even more personal way. Your feed is like your gallery, where your Instagram story is like your sketchbook. A deconstructed version of your posts with more insight to you and your brand.
Hopefully these tips have helped ease some of your anxiety and given you the confidence to take your Instagram platform to the next level. So get out there edit, like, connect and make us proud babes!